Lemon Grove
3240 Main St, Lemon Grove, CA, 91945- Call Now - Open 24/7 (619) 867-0003
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The population in Lemon Grove is at 27,108, which is about 0.008% of the United States Population. This city is about 18% safer than many cities in the United States. In the past year, this city has discovered over 170 violent crimes and 629 property crimes. This means that if you want to live in Lemon Grove, then your chances of being a victim of violent crime is one of out 158. In addition to these numbers, this city has experienced only one murder along with four rape charges, 55 robberies, and 112 assault charges. As for theft, this city has experienced 94 burglaries, 431 theft charges, and 104 motor vehicle theft charges.
Lemon Grove, CA – Jail Address and Information
Lemon Grove has a substation that is in association with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. This substation is where they place suspects in holding cells for a certain period of time until they are either released on bail or transferred to another facility. This Lemon Grove Substation can be located at 3240 Main St. Lemon Grove, CA 91945. If you need any additional jail information, then you can call this substation at 619-337-2000. If you have to leave a voicemail with your name and phone number in it, then a local law enforcement officer will contact you at the earliest convenience.
The nearest jails from the City of Lemon Grove are the Chula Vista City Jail, Metropolitan Correction Center, and the Las Colinas Detention Center.
Lemon Grove, CA – Court Address and Information
The most local courthouse that will do court cases in the Lemon Grove area is the Superior Court East County Division. This courthouse can be located at 250 E. Main St. #1, El Cajon, CA 92020. They are only open on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm. Keep in mind that this courthouse substantially does juvenile, criminal, family law, and civil court cases. If you need any additional court information, then you can contact this courthouse at 619-456-4100.
Lemon Grove, CA – All-Pro Bail Bonds
There is only one All-Pro Bail Bonds Agency in the Lemon Grove area. Their agency is opened 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Their agency is located at 1733 El Prado Avenue, Lemon Grove, CA 91945. You can contact the agency by phone at 619-304-9913.
They do have two nearby bail bond agencies in La Mesa and National City.
The bail bond agency in La Mesa is located at 8679 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, CA 91942, You can contact this agency by phone at 619-332-2575.
The bail bond agency in National City is located at 314 G Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91950, You can contact this agency by phone at 619-677-5950.