Juvenile Delinquency Court
3650 Graham Hill Road, Santa Cruz, CA, 95018- Call Now - Open 24/7 (408) 837-7973
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Juvenile Delinquency Court is located in Santa Cruz County at 3650 Graham Hill Road, Santa Cruz, CA 95018. The Juvenile Delinquency Court is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for Court holidays. The Juvenile Delinquency Court is a division of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Cruz. Juvenile delinquency is a legal term used in the United States to describe behavior by minors that would be criminal if committed by adults. The juvenile justice system is a separate system from the adult criminal justice system, designed to address the special needs of minors involved in unlawful behavior. In most cases, juvenile court proceedings are closed to the public.
The Juvenile Delinquency Court handles the following types of cases:
1) Cases where a minor is accused of committing a crime;
2) Cases where a minor is alleged to be a “ward of the court”;
3) Cases involving allegations of child abuse or neglect; and
4) Cases involving allegations of truancy.
If you have any questions about the Juvenile Delinquency Court, please contact the court at (831) 454-2320.